Continuity in Wealth requires continuity in Education

There’s a new acronym that has been generating some buzz in the financial planning world recently, and we thought we’d share it with you. It’s FEA, and it stands for Family Enterprise Advisor. It’s a relatively new and quite distinguished designation that comes from completing a professional development program through the Institute of Family Enterprise Advisors (IFEA). The program, originally founded by UBC Sauder School of Business, has traditionally been offered only in Vancouver. Now, through partnerships with Ivey School of Business and the Alberta School of Business, this outstanding program is being offered in Toronto and Alberta.

This may seem like a strange piece of information for us to be sharing with you, since financial advisors like ourselves would be the most obvious candidates for the course. But the beauty of the program is that it’s not just for financial advisors. It’s also for family members who manage or lead their family enterprise, and for any other advisors who work with family enterprises such as lawyers, bankers, accountants, board directors and non-family executives. For you and your family, the program’s Alberta course schedule is an opportunity to augment your knowledge about navigating family dynamics, understanding how to foster trans-generational wealth, exploring the “human” side of succession planning and best practices in family governance. While professional advisors certainly have a lot to gain from the program, the real beneficiaries could be you, your family members who work in the business, your successors, etc. Put simply, continuity in wealth requires continuity in education.If you would like to discuss this further please give us a call or go to the IFEA website at


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